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4 Steps To Creating A Cozy Moment (Fall Edition)

Avenaville oatmeal cookie leaning against a record player
Photography by Martha Argelia

1. Select your cozy spot.

Make sure the temperature is right. Maybe light a candle. Adjust the volume to your surroundings. If you're in NYC, the next three steps will help drown out the sirens, squeaky MTA buses, and those trapped by double-parked (triple-parked if you're in Dyckman) cars.

2. Pick your favorite warm drink.

How about a warm cup of milk with a little sprinkle of cinnamon? Perhaps a regular coffee, tea, or a fancy matcha or latte?

At this point, the sirens should be muffled.

3. Crack open a box of Avenaville oatmeal cookies. (Order here if you're out).

That initial blissful whiff of oatmeal and warm spices will instantly transport you to a mental cozyville. The potential first bite of our decadent cookies should drown out any other noise, including those in your head.

4. Pick out your favorite book, show, playlist, or record.

Ding. You're Cozy.

I'm currently reading Sense and Sensibility. Last week, I watched Pride and Prejudice. Needless to say, I had the proper setting to indulge in, not only, Mr. Darcy but also a freshly baked warm Avenaville cookie.

Peace, love, and oatmeal cookies.


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